FGB Nearly Here!

The Crossfit community wide fundraiser workout “Fight Gone Bad” is this Saturday starting at 9 am, and although as a gym we have been lax in pushing the fundraiser end of things there is still time to make our goal of $500.  Those of you planning on giving...

Crossfit vs. Depression

Depression in the United States has doubled in the past ten years.  Statistics are showing that 23% of us will battle this disease at some point in our lives.  In the past depression has been classified as a biological issue only, and therefore treated with copious...

Bad Girls, Bad Girls Whatcha Gonna Do?

Our Tuesday/Thursday Olympic lifting days are in full swing, and a number of people are already showing improved technique  through quality coaching (thanks Veronica!) and consistent exposure to the Clean & Jerk, and snatch.  So then, what better way to show off...

Go Wild-Crossfit Style

Fight Gone Bad If you have not already  signed up for Septembers “fight Gone Bad” event please head over to www.fgb4.org and put your name down for this great event. Doing so will bring awareness to these two great causes.  You can click (here) to register...

Athlete Profile: Heidi

With the CrossFit Games a week away our little gym has been abuzz with competitor times/weights and past accomplishments.  However, Level 10 Crossfit has  some certified CrossFit Diva”s and ME (Max Effort) Manimals. ________ Heidi Age: 40 Height: 5″4 ...

Obviously you're not a golfer

Rick and Tammy have recently completed their foundations classes and are now tackling our new 6am class. Hope everyone is ready because these two are ready to bring the heat! ______________ May marks the 1st anniversary of Level 10 Crossfit. The pick above is of our...