Level 10 Crossfit is a private training facility. We specialize in small group training, couples training, and one-on-one training, and soon kids group training. We offer everyone ‘1st session free’ so leave your money and any fear of ’sales pressure’ at home. You will decide on your own if you want to become a part of the Level 10 Crossfit community.During your first visit you will be guided through the ‘CrossFit Warm-up’. You will be taught proper form and technique performing a variety of basic bodyweight exercises and stretches. You will perform up to, depending on YOUR level of fitness, 3 rounds of the warm-up. During this time we observe your strengths and weaknesses and determine your current level of fitness.

Every training period thereafter you will continue to be trained according to your level of fitness.

Yes, WE train you every time you walk through our our doors.

Every time you workout you will perform 3 rounds of the warm-up to physically and mentally prepare your body for the workout. After the warm-up, the workout begins.

The workout is different EVERY TIME you enter. Our members never know what the workout will be. They change every day (that is part of the excitement and intrigue of the CrossFit Training Method)

We have never heard the complaint, “I’ve plateaued”, nor “I’m bored with my workouts”, nor have we heard, “Nothing is changing.”

During your first visit, you will experience one of two thoughts. You will either think, “THIS IS IT! Oh my gosh, this is what I’ve always wanted! I can become lean, strong and healthy!” or, you will think, “THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!” and you will run out screaming.

Should you choose the latter thought, we will give you the addresses and phone numbers to local “Health Clubs” and will patiently wait until you are TRULY ready to change.

Should you choose to become a member, we GUARANTEE YOUR RESULTS. This is why we have no long-term contracts, no initiation fees and no high-pressure sales tactics. Results speak loudly and quality service is understood by all.

When can I get started? (Click HERE)