by santos | Apr 21, 2010 | On Ramp
The addition of a second “On Ramp” class for May is official and filling up fast! (currently there are 4 spots remaining) This class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm, as well as Saturday at 12 noon. Again, this class is limited to 8 people so...
by santos | Apr 17, 2010 | Level 10 Events
Monday is the kick off for our second Paleo Challenge. This time the rules have changed a bit. Here is the break down: The Challenge will last eight weeks. The “buy in” is twenty dollars per person. After eight weeks we will compare before/after pictures....
by santos | Apr 15, 2010 | habits of highly effective athletes, On Ramp Class
Our group of April On Rampers are nearly halfway through, which means it”s time to prepare for those who are waiting on deck to get in on the fun! Sign-ups are filling up fast and there is a possibility that 8 spots wont cover the demand for May. If that is...
by santos | Feb 15, 2010 | Level 10 Events, The facility
This past Saturday three teams of four people, plus a solid group of enthusiastic spectators, packed up and headed down to Crossfit East Sac (here) to compete in their inaugural “East Sac Affiliate Throwdown!”. Thirty-one teams from near and far converged...
by santos | Feb 9, 2010 | Level 10 Events, member news, Upcoming Events
This saturday our usual 9am class will be canceled. L10xf will be heading to Sacramento to compete in the Crossfit East Sac “Affiliate Throwdown.” We will be fielding three teams which will compete with other Crossfit Affiliates from around Northern...
by santos | Jan 20, 2010 | Level 10 Events, member news, Nutrition, Upcoming Events
The winner of our fall Paleo Challenge was announced shortly after our January end date, however, some other folks put together some staggering changes as well. So, without any further delay here are your first, second, and third place finishers-Keely, John, and...