You should be bleeding at this point!

  You may have noticed more barbell work- cleans, jerks, and overhead squats in the wods and post workout skill sessions. Like many you may have found yourself challenged and inspired to perfect your form on these more complicated of lifts. If that is the case we will...

Obviously you're not a golfer

Rick and Tammy have recently completed their foundations classes and are now tackling our new 6am class. Hope everyone is ready because these two are ready to bring the heat! ______________ May marks the 1st anniversary of Level 10 Crossfit. The pick above is of our...

Nor Cal Regionals in the books!

This past weekend Sklar and Brett put their hard work to the test and competed in the Nor Cal Regional games.  The competition was intense as over 200 athletes competed for only 10 spots in this years “CrossFit Games”.  The workouts were brutally hard...

More Bounce to the Ounce!

This saturday at Nor Cal CrossFit in Chico will be hosting a “Games Prep day”.  This event is for those preparing to participate in the Crossfit games held in July.  This event will be a great day to see some amazing athletes, as well as a chance to hang...