Say hello to…

Pam and Clark. They are two workouts into their level 10 CrossFit experience and are picking up the fundamentals at an incredible pace. Way to go!!! P.S a big congrats to Shawn for getting a PR on the deadlift this morning. There was just enough mental preparation...

Jump shrugs=Fun

  Recently the Oroville girls basketball team has been stopping by for some strength and conditioning work in preparation for their upcoming season.  The girls are super fun, encouraging, and hardworking…in other words perfect crossfiters!!! Loosing your lunch...

Another CrossFit Addict

After just a few workouts Jay is already hooked.     Kristen shows us what real ab work looks like! Notice the absence of any large plastic balls in differing colors.

The set up

Claudia has been so fun to work with, and has shown great progress each and every workout. Here she shows off her "set up" for the deadlift. Way to go, Claudia!!!