Deadline ahead!!!!

Shortly after our “Fall Strength Challenge” event sells out we will be releasing heat info, workouts times and workouts, as well as scaling options.  If you are still interested sign-up here: Please make sure that you register under either the “Male...

Wod #1 Teaser Pic

Here are the implements that will be used for Wod #1 of our “Fall Strength Challenge.”  This picture represents the mens weight and will be scaled back for the women”s heats.  Remember to sign up by October 23rd in order to get your event t-shirt....

FGB 5 at Crossfit East Sac

Supper excited about joining up with Crossfit East Sac (here) for this years “Fight Gone Bad” community wide fundraiser.  Heat sign-ups for the event start at 8am, with the first group of participants starting at 9am.  If you failed to sign-up, but would...

Fall Paleo Challenge is here!

The fall edition of the “Paleo Challenge” is nearly here. We will be kicking things off on Monday the 20th of August. If you weren”t here for our last challenge then you may be wondering how this whole thing works…Well here it is: The challenge...

August "On-Ramp" Graduates!

Day #12 for our August On-Rampers Our August “On-Ramp” class just finished up and what a class it was! These folks worked hard, laughed hard and moved better than any previous class.  Due to the holiday weekend we had some people missing…Shannon,...

So You Wanna Be a Paleo Challenge Winner?

For those folks who have been clamoring for another 8 week paleo challenge the wait is almost over.  Our third “Paleo Challenge” will begin on September 20th.  Just like our last challenge there will be a $20 buy-in, and before after pictures are required...