Scaling Up

Upcoming Event Our much Delayed “Gym Wide Workout”  will finally take place on Saturday March 14th at 4:00pm.  The workout will consist of 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 kb swings, and 12 pull-ups.  You CrossFit veterans know this workout as...

Bru ha ha and Baby Bella

The “fake healthy” beverages of Vitamin water has landed them in court.  The Coca-Cola line of beverages” use of healthy buzz words such as, “defense,”energy” and “endurance” as well as their claim to help...

1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott!

Buckle-ups  The 2009 crossfit games will be upon us quicker than we would all like.  Will you be a competitor or a spectator?  For those interested in seeing some truly remarkable athletes perform at their best you can purchase tickets ahead of time by clicking () If...

Holiday Schedule

Monday- Regular Schedule Tuesday-Regular Schedule Christmas Eve-Morning Schedule Only 7am & 8am Group Class Christmas Day Work-Out only…Bring YOUR BROOMSTICK!!!! Friday- Morning Schedule Only 7am & 8am Group Class Saturday-Regular Schedule ________ New...

Guilt Free

Don”t Let Turkey Day Get the Best of You!!!! This turkey day L10XF has developed a safe, effective and quick way for you to enjoy as much stuffing, pie and turkey as you can handle without suffering from that nasty mid day carb induced guilt trip.  This proven...

We're the best!!!

Guess my bribery, begging and pleading finally paid off! L10XF has officially (we knew all along!!!) been named the best gym in Oroville by the Chico News & Review.  Well, to be fair it was a tie between us and the Oroville Sports Club. However, since they have...