Getting back to the turkish get-up

A few weeks back we had a schedule change due to the Christmas holiday. This meant a condensed schedule leading to almost 30 people being packed into our little gym! With little space the Turkish get-up was an easy choice to address our warm-up/mobility needs. The...

The importance of muscle mass as we age

In this corner, weighing in at 110 pounds and pushing 89 years of age and the recent recipient of a brand new plastic hip, Joseph “Blue” Polaski.-Old School What type of life do you want? Can you think of all the ways in which strength enhances and enables...

October "On-Ramp" Class Sign-ups are here!!!

Our “On Ramp” Program is geared towards healthy individuals who are new to our training methods. This is a 4-week series of 12 classes that will focus on teaching and coaching the movements most necessary for entry into our ongoing group class system. The Class will...