Last weekends Paleo Brands seminar (here) was a great reminder that dialing in one”s nutrition is a key component in looking, feeling, and performing well. In fact, as return on investment goes (ROI) most of us could stand a little less time in the gym and a little more time leaning toward the Paleo side of eating. To put a finer point on it…the next installment of our gym wide Paleo Challenge will be starting up on Monday, October 28th. The rules and criteria will be set shortly, however, know that there will be “handsome rewards” given out to those individuals who show the most progress over the sixteen week challenge.
Seems the most frequently asked question in regards to Paleo eating is, “what do I have for breakfast?”. Above is a zucchini and tomato scramble with a bowl of mixed berries sprinkled with cinnamon, a side of avocado and some almonds. This meal was supper fast and delicious!!! I am a rare breed that actually likes eating the same thing everyday, but since most like a little more variety I will search far and wide for more yummy Paleo compliant meals and post my findings.
Want a quality cookbook while simultainiously helping to raise money for prostate cancer and wounded warriors? Click (here) and see some of the supper tasty stuff that this, “Caveman”s Guide to Cuizine” contains.
Greg warming up while overlooking Table Mountain