Our May “On Ramp” is rolling into our second week which means its nearly time to welcome a new group of folks looking to change the way they look, feel and perform.
June “On Ramp” class will begin Wednesday June 2nd at 7pm. The mid week start date is due to the Monday “Memorial Day” holiday. This class will meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
This class is capped at 8 people, however, two early birds have signed up ahead of time. Our “On Ramp” program is geared towards healthy individuals who are new to our training methods. This is a 4-week series of 12 classes that will focus on teaching you the movements most necessary for entry into our ongoing group class system. Each class will include a warm up, new exercise orientation, exercise/skill review, and a workout.
Space is limited to 8 individuals, so sign up soon to ensure your spot. Drop by the gym, call or email us today to register.
- 5 reps- front squat (155/105). Crease of hip below parallel and full hip extension at top of squat.
- 5 reps- overhead squat (95/65). Crease of hip below parallel and full hip extension at top of squat.
- 5 reps deadlift (225/155). Full extension at top of lift and hands must stay on bar for all five reps.
- 5 reps- kettle bell swing (32kg/20kg). Arms must stay straight and ears must be in front of arms in overhead position.
- 3 reps- thruster (135/95). Crease of hip below parallel and ears in front of arms in overhead position.
- 15 reps- wall ball (20/14). Crease of hip below parallel. Ball must touch wall and go OVER the 10’ mark. Must catch ball on every rep. A drop of ball constitutes a failed attempt.
- 5 reps- squat clean (135/95). Must catch bar in full squat position with crease of hip below parallel. Must stand to full hip extension with elbows in front of bar. Hands must stay on bar for all five reps.
- 5 reps- jerk (135/95). Ears in front of arms in locked out overhead position. Push jerk or split jerk.
- 3 reps- squat snatch (135/95). Must catch in squat position with crease of hip below parallel. Must stand to full hip extension. Must keep hands on bar for all three reps. You can keep attempting as long as you get three in a row and don’t let go of the bar.
- 3 reps (each arm)- one arm dumbbell snatch (50/35). Must catch in full squat with crease of hip below parallel. Dumbbell never touches ground during all six attempts.
- 5 reps- Dumbbell hang squat clean (50/25). Must catch in squat with crease of hip below parallel.
- 5 reps- press (95/65). Ears in front of arms in locked out overhead position.
- 5 reps- push press (135/95). Ears in front of arms in locked out overhead position.
- 5 reps- sumo deadlift high pull (95/65). Elbows above bar in high pull position.
- 15 reps- ball slam (20/12). Arms straight overhead in top position with ears in front of arms. Must catch ball on bounce while in squat position. Dropping ball constitutes a failed effort.
- 5 reps- bench press (BW/66% of BW)
- 10 reps- kipping pull-ups. Full extension of arms at bottom. Chin over bar at top.
- 5 reps- strict pull-ups. Full extension of arms at bottom. Chin over bar at top.
- 1 ascent- rope climb 15’. Must start on with butt on ground. Using feet is okay.
- 3 reps L pull-up. Toes must be above hips at the start and end of pull-up. You can lower the legs at every rep, but toes must be above hip before you start pull-up motion.
- 3 reps- muscle-up. Must turn palms out at bottom prior to beginning movement. Must turn palms forward when over the rings before returning to start position. Must not come off the rings for all three reps.
- 25 reps- push-up. On count of judge. Down, hold, up, hold. Chest touches deck. Full extension of arms at top of push-up.
- 5 reps- slapping push-ups. Touch chest to deck, then both hands must touch the chest when at top of the pull-up.
- 10 reps- bar dips. Shoulders below elbow at bottom position. Arms straight at top position.
- 5 reps- ring dips. Shoulders below elbows at bottom position. Must turn palms forward when over the rings at finish position.
- 5 reps- handstand push-ups. Forehead touches deck. At top position, head comes forward and ears are in front of arms.
- 10 reps- burpee. Chest touches deck. 6” jump.
- 10 reps- GHD sit-up. One hand touches ground at bottom position. One hand touches foot post at top position.
- 10 reps- kipping knees to elbows. Done on rings. Knees must go over the elbow. Arms must stay straight.
- 10 reps- rebounding box jumps 20”. Must jump as soon as feet touch the ground. Must get full hip extension jumping off box.
- 3 reps (each leg)- one leg squat. Butt must go to ankle depth. You leg extended cannot touch ground for all three reps.
- 10 reps- double under. Self explanatory.
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