Workout #1: Start time 9am
Sled pull/push/db thruster
50ft prowler sled pull (additional 25lb plate, 10lb plate for males/additional 10lb plate, and 5lb plate for females)
50ft prowler sled push(weight stays on the sled)
12,9,6,9,12 of Dumbbell thrusters (40lb dumbbells for males/25lb dumbbells for females)
Each athlete will begin seated on the ground. Once the heat begins each person will pull the loaded sled 50 feet until the sled touched a weight plate placed on the ground in front of each athlete. Once the sled has been pulled the athlete will then push the sled until it again touches a weight plate set 50ft from the previous plate. They will then retrieve a pair of dumbells and begin the first set of thrusters:12 reps. Once the set is completed the athlete must assume the start position and begin the second round of sled pulls/pushes. This sequence will continue until you have completed the rep scheme: 12,9,6,9, and 12.
Male Winner: Chad Augustin 5:08
Female Winner: Jenny LaBaw 5:06
Time Cap: 10min
Scaling: 30lb dumbbells for males/20lb dumbells for females
*Note the empty sled weighs 80lbs
Workout #2: Start time 10:30
Row/Close-grip bench/Muscle-up
In 7min complete a 400m row; with the remaining time find your 3rm close-grip bench press (females perform a 3rm bench press.) Hand placement for male will be 14 inch max width.
After completing the row each competitor will work from an empty bar and complete three consecutive bench press/close-grip bench press reps. For safety each athlete will have a spotter, however, any touch of the bar by the spotter will result in a voided rep.
At the conclusion of the seven minutes each competitor will immediately perform as many muscle-ups as possible in two minutes. If one is unable to perform a muscle-up the two minutes will lapse and the workout will be over. The workout will still be considered Rx”d even if no muscle-ups are completed in the two minutes. At the conclusion of the two minutes each successful muscle-up will be awarded 5lb. This additional weight along with the 3rm close-grip bench/bench press will be added together to form a composite score for the workout.
Example: Three rep max weight: 185lbs 7 muscle-ups (5lbs per)=220 total pounds
Male Winner: Gary Baron 35o total pounds
Female Winner: Lynn Hunter 215 total pounds
Scaling: None
Workout #3 & #4: Approximate start time 12:15
Sandbag/dead/clean/shoulder to overhead
In two minutes complete a 200m sandbag run (50lb bag females/70lb bag males.) With the remaining time perform as many deadlift reps as possible (167lbs/255lbs)
Rest one minute (during this time each athlete must strip the bar in preparation for the next interval.)
In two minutes complete a 200m sandbag run (50lb bag females/ 70lb bag males.) With the remaining time perform as many hang power clean reps as possible (97lbs/165lbs)
Rest one minute (during this time each athlete must strip the bar in preparation for the next interval.)
In two minutes complete a 200m sandbag run (50lb bag females/70lb bag males.) With the remaining time perform as may shoulder to over head reps as possible (77lbs/115lbs)
Male Winner: Justin Riley 72 reps
Female Winner: Jenny LaBaw 72 reps
Scaling: Males perform 225lb deadlift, 135lb clean, 95lb shoulder to overhead (scaling of one movement will result in the scaling of the other two as well.)
Females perform 123lb deadlift, 77lb clean, and 65lb shoulder to overhead (scaling of one movement will result in the scaling of the other two as well.)
At the conclusion of the last 2 minute interval (no rest after the shoulder to over head) each competitor will immediately begin workout #4 (scoring for this workout will be completely separate from workout #3)
Workout #4
toes-to-bar/double-under/ burpee
Four rounds for time of:
10 toes-to-bar
20 double-unders
10 burpees
Male Winner: Chad Augustin 4:32
Female Winner: Brittany Williams 160 total reps
The time cap: 6 min. If the workout is completed under the cap he/she will be ranked according to their time, however, if the athlete is unable to finish under the cap the workout will be scored off total reps completed.
Final workout: Approximate start time 4:00
farmers/bar & bell Carry/ohs
1 round for time of..
150ft farmers walk (turn at 75ft) (140lbs/280lbs)
20 pull-ups
empty barbell and Kb carry (35/53) down small hill (approximately 150m)
Once down the hill you must load your barbell and complete 20 overhead squats (77/115) followed by 35 kb swings (35/53)
unload bar and return the empty bar and bell to the start position at the top of the hill
20 pull-ups
150ft farmers walk (turn at 75ft) (140/280)
“Small Hill”
Time Cap: 15 min
Scaling: farmers walk (100/180)
Pull-ups: Band
Over head squat: 55lbs females, 87 males
Kettlebell (26/44)
Male Winner: Chad Augustin 8:11
Female Winner: Jenny LaBaw 8:19
Overall Winners: Chad Augustin and Jenny LaBaw
Awesome programming Santos I wish I could be there…