Stephanie has lost 12lbs since she began training with us 5 weeks ago. That is the good news. The GREAT NEWS is that her triglycerides have dropped from 149 to 84 and she is now off of her cholesterol medication. Great Work, Steph
Rhonda is twenty weeks along and is doing a kick butt job at being a healthy and active mommy to be. In fact, during the first twenty weeks of her pregnancy Rhonda has only gained 11 pounds. This 11 pounds put her exactly at her pre-crossfit weight when she started back in Febuary. The Doc says that the little wizard is developing on schedule and that mom will be well short of the 35 lb weight gain that most women her height experience during pregnancy.
Watchout everyone, kelsey is putting some serious time into developing her muslce-up, and is super close to being the first person to crank out one of these bad boys. So if anyone wants to challenge her, you better get on your high horse cause time is a runn”n out!
Wondering where this supposed Level10Crossfit T shirt is? Well, save a few minor tweaks, here is our official L10XF shirt.
Punk. That’s all. Punk.