Our “On Ramp” Program is geared towards healthy individuals who are new to our training methods. This is a 4-week series of 12 classes that will focus on teaching and coaching the movements most necessary for entry into our ongoing group class system. The Class will also discuss nutrition and life style changes in order to reach ones goals safely and efficiently. This class will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7pm. The first class is scheduled to meet on Monday November 28th. For any further information please email: Santos@level10crossfit.com or call
NEW FOR 2012
We also have the first On Ramp class of 2012 ready for new folks! If your New Year includes looking, feeling, and performing better sign-up for our program and kick off 2012 right! The First class meets on January 16th.
So, Click on the link below and reserve your spot today