John, from Nor Cal SC, putting on one of the most impressive displays of strength and pure athleticism during our first annual “Summer Strength Challenge”.
News: No “On Ramp” Class for July
Even though we are coming to the end of our biggest and most successful On Ramp class to date, we have decided to take the month of July off. This means there will be no class for new folks to join in order to make the jump to our established group classes. A big reason for this is that we will be closing the gym down for one week (July 17th-24th.)
In the mean time if our August On Ramp Class is too long to wait there is the opportunity to begin our On Ramp cirriculum in a private or semi-private group setting. To contact to schedule Drop by the gym, call or email us today.
End of Another Challenge
Our third Paleo Challenge has ended and I couldn”t be happier with the results. Off the top of my head I can recall individuals loosing: 25lbs, 23lbs, 17lbs, 18lbs, and a bunch of folks in 10-14 range. Now for the staff to put the before/after pics together and make some hard decisions on the top five. Hope to get this done soon….the $500 that I have to give away is burning a hole in my pocket!
UPDATE: Spring Into Summer Paleo Challenge Top Five!!!!
Stephanie H.
Lisa B.
Carl H.
Jeff J.
Tara A.
The total weight loss for this group of Five over the course of the 8 weeks was an amazing 98.6lbs. I also want to point out that this group is made up of business owners, busy mom”s, and people with schedules that don”t always lend themselves to nice easy eating schedules (read pool parties and little league snack bar duty.)
In addition, a huge congratulations to everyone who fought through the 8 week challenge. This challenge in particular had a bunch of people who did the program and got some great results…It was not easy to pick just five!!!
August 2008-Cari during her intro sessions