You may have noticed more barbell work- cleans, jerks, and overhead squats in the wods and post workout skill sessions. Like many you may have found yourself challenged and inspired to perfect your form on these more complicated of lifts. If that is the case we will be gauging interest for an Olympic lifting team that will practice and prepare for regional competitions. Connect with Santos in order to throw your name into the pool of willing victims….ah, I mean volunteers!
We are 10 days away form launching our new MindBody online business management software. Soon you will have the ability to pay for classes online, set up recurring billing, and pay for merchandise as easy as going through the grocery checkout!
Emilee is one our newest members here at L10XF and is already showing amazing ability and determination. Infact, she got a kipping pull-up and double-under after a whole 10 minutes of instruction. Great work, Em!!!!